Day 1
Theme: How a robust African medtech industry contributes to Improved Patient Care (Universal Health Coverage and Resilient Healthcare Systems)
8:30 am - 10:00 am:
Plenary Opening Ceremony
National Anthem
Kempinski Security brief
Welcome Address and Opening Prayer (10 mins)
Fireside Chat: The Role of Medtech in Healthcare and the consequences of inadequate supply (20 mins)
Guest of Honor Remarks (20 mins)
Chief Guest Opening Remarks (20 mins)
10:00 am - 10:30 am:
10:30 am - 10:40am:
10:40 am - 11:40 am:
Wilfred Njagi
Eng. Wambui Nyabero
Dr. Bernard Olayo
Dr. Zainab Gura
Dr. Mazyanga Lucy Mazaba
Networking Break
Retrospective of 2023, Introduction of Conference Themes and Objectives(10 mins)
Panel Discussion 1: Medtech Industry 360 view:
Moses Waweru
Dr. Lisa Ochola
Abdel-Nasser Daoud Kinefour
Christine Were
Karl Heinz Tondo
11:40 am - 12:50 pm:
Track 1: Innovation and Investment. Panel:
Medtech Industry Barriers - What slows down the process of bringing life saving medical technologies to the healthcare system.
Dr. Bahaa Eddine Sarroukh
Sona Shah
Masoud Mnonji
Grace Baloyi
Prof. Ndirangu Kioni
Track 2: Market Shaping:
Market Shaping efforts in the African Medtech sector: Lessons and Future Directions - Outlining the landscape of existing market shaping interventions.
12:50 pm - 2:00 pm:
2:00 pm - 3:15 pm:
Khatuchi Khasandi
Dr. Muthoni Ntonjira
Dr. Matiko Riro
Ali Khalid
Lunch Break
Startup Pitching Competition
3:15 pm - 3:45 pm:
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm:
Eng. Millicent Alooh
Naom Monari
Hellen Gitonga
Ali Khalid
Networking Break
Engage Session,Track 1: Innovation & Investment
What would it take to crowd in more funding for African medtech startups? - exploring strategies for attracting more funding and mitigating investment risks for MedTech startups in Africa
Wilfred Njagi
Hiroki Ishida
Christophe De Montille
Rahel Musyoki
Eric Osiakwan
Engage Session, Track 2: Market Shaping
Co-creating a roadmap for African Medtech Market Access